

From our homes and amenities to our resident events, life really does shine brighter at Candela. Discover all the reasons why by exploring our gallery of blogs, announcements, and news. And check back from time to time because we will be adding helpful information about builders, plans and progress, past and upcoming events, resident profiles and testimonials. We are covering everything from sunrise to sunset–and all the fun in between!


Healthy New Year Resolution Ideas You Can Easily Adopt

January 6, 2023
New Years resolution ideas are your chance to live your brightest life, but that doesn’t mean turning your back on the old one. It’s about finding what makes the world feel bright and worthwhile to you and focusing on things that are important going forward.

FIVE Unique Ways for Celebrating Holidays with Family This Year

November 29, 2022
During this merriest of seasons, it may be hard to believe that anyone could be stumped when it comes to how to enjoy the holidays and celebrate with family and friends, but in the effort to keep holiday festivities fresh and memorable each year, some may be scratching their heads a bit. Not to worry, though!

Different Thanksgiving Traditions You Can Begin This Year!

November 7, 2022
While changing up the menu (just a little bit) is never a bad idea, there’s plenty you can do differently both before and after the big meal to make your family’s Thanksgiving a truly memorable experience. And why not try some non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner ideas?

October is Financial Planning Month for Homebuyers

October 12, 2022
Buying a new home, especially if it’s your first home, can be exciting, but it can also be stressful. Need some help? You’ll find that the home-buying process is simpler and easier to understand if you follow some tips for buying a home that can help you to strategize the process of shopping for a mortgage.

Fun Fall Activities and Festivals in Richmond, TX

September 15, 2022
Fall is here! The air is getting cooler, the leaves are changing colors, pumpkin spice lattes are back, and it’s time for all kinds of fun fall activities in Richmond, TX!

Partnering with Candela: Builder Success Stories!

August 15, 2022
Along the way, we’ve heard numerous builder success stories from some of our builder partners as they saw the houses they built for Candela becoming homes. We’d like to share a few of them with you today.

Back to School: 2022-2023 Lamar CISD Schools!

July 19, 2022
It won’t be long now before school supplies start filling up the shelves at the stores. Before the back-to-school season gets into full swing, we thought we’d take the time to give a shout-out to the amazing Lamar CISD schools located near Candela!

How to Beat the Summer Heat at Candela!

June 9, 2022
Fortunately, we’ve compiled a great list of fun ways to beat the heat this summer that you can do right here at Candela! Pour yourself a tall glass of lemonade and prepare to be inspired!

Top Reasons to Consider Moving to Richmond, Texas

May 17, 2022
You can see why so many people are thinking of moving to Richmond TX. If you’re one of them, we think it’s a place you’re going to love to call home, and we’re here to guide you through just a few of the things to see, do, and enjoy, from the great outdoors to the best restaurants in Richmond and a whole lot more!

Candela is Celebrating National Decorating Month!

April 18, 2022
Spring is a time for all things bright and beautiful, so it’s no surprise that April is national decorating month! After all, we’ve weathered the winter, and spring is in the air!

What is a Master Planned Community?

March 15, 2022
Just what is a master planned community and what are the real estate terms and definitions related to this type of unique development? We’re here to answer those questions and more!

Breaking Ground on the Bernard Clifton Terrell Jr. Elementary School!

February 16, 2022
Few things are more exciting to a community than the building of a brand-new elementary school. The mere mention of it is a feast for the senses.

How to Winterize Your Home Before Chilly Weather Arrives

January 13, 2022
Now that the holiday season has come to an end, there’s no getting around the fact that winter is officially upon all of us here in Texas. Sure, you may have gotten your winter coats out of storage and piled some extra blankets on the bed, but is your house equally prepared for the cold months ahead? Keep reading to learn how to winterize your home.

Holiday Shopping & Events in Richmond, Texas

November 29, 2021
The holiday season is officially upon us, and everything is looking merry and bright everywhere you turn! Storefronts are decorated beautifully, the aromas of holiday goodies fill the air, and every retail shop in town is playing Christmas music overhead.

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